I must confess that I was not excited when Pravin Gordhan revealed ways of fighting tender corruption. In fact, I did not even pay attention to the TV news when this was shown. This is because I have heard of initiatives to curb corruption but it somehow seems to rocket. What is worse is that one gets a feeling that culprits don’t pay for the wro ng they do. They move on and get rewarded with more opportunities for corruption. There are examples of this lack of accountability. We’ve heard for a while now that the Minister of Housing, Tokyo Sexwale, is busy demolishing RDP houses that were shoddily built. This is a good project that assists in bringing the dignity of our people back because they should not continue to live in such houses under a democratically elected government. Better built houses must be given to them. What bothered me about this campaign is that I did not hear what will be happening to those contractors that f...
Expressing my thoughts on a number of issues (iingcinga zam).