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Showing posts from July, 2018

In the British Media (1959) : Second night of rioting in Paarl.

The Times really followed this story in 1959. It is nice to see that they featured a picture of the whole family of mama Elizabeth Mafekeng (Rocky), who was the president of African Food and Canning Workers Union (ACFWU) and the deputy president of the ANC women's league. Apartheid authorities forced her to leave with only the baby, leaving the husband and other kids behind.  (Click on the picture).

Bafana 'Gees' (06-2010)

The Bafana “gees” has really gripped South Africa. It is heartening to see the patriotism that is expressed through the many South African flags that adorn cars and houses. The green and gold shirts declare in no uncertain terms where the loyalty of the nation lay/lied. It does not matter that the quality of the tee-shirt varies from genuine to imitations of the fakes. My employer is responsible for the two that I have.  Employers are also into the Bafana spirit. Employees are getting time-off from work to watch the Bafana games. Some employers (like mine) bought t-shirts for their employees and some spent a lot of money on match tickets. The controversy on the amount that government departments have spent on match tickets is at this stage not dampening the spirit. I guess we will deal with it later.  The national broadcaster – the SABC, played its role in psyching up the nation and rallying it around Bafana Bafana. It has been exciting to wake up to presenters who are...