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Focus on the Project (24/06/2017)

Yesterday we hosted eleven year old kids from two local schools. During one of the exercises I observed something interesting. A group of five boys who were friends were given a girl to be their captain as they were supposed to build a tower, using only eight pieces of paper and a string of sellotape. One of the boys told me that the group does not want the girl as their captain so they were not participating. I tried to convince them to participate. They sulked and resentfully distracted her. I watched as she kept on working on the tower while rejected by those who were supposed to be her team mates. When the time was about to end they discouraged her and said 'let us give up we have already lost this competition'. Still she kept on working. I had to intervene when they physically destroyed her structure for the third time and told them to leave her alone as they were deliberately sabotaging her. She kept on working even as you could see hurt on her face. Her energy was not ...
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Mbekweni and the struggle for liberation

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Local Government Elections are upon us. 05-2011

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In the British Media (1959) : Second night of rioting in Paarl.

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